Law Offices of Barry Martines


Accident Tips
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If you've just been involved in a motor vehicle accident here are a few tips you should follow:

1) Make sure your vehicle is parked safely off the road, so that you are not in danger of being struck by other vehicles passing by. If necessary, immediately get all passengers in your vehicle to exit and relocate them in a safe area that is well off the roadway. Make sure everyone is ok and that nobody is bleeding.

2) Immediately call for the police and an ambulance, if necessary. ask to use someone else's cell phone if you don't have one available.

3) Do not talk with the other driver about how the accident happened. It's ok to see if they need an ambulance, but otherwise, don't discuss the facts of your collision with anyone other than the police officer.

4) Do talk with any witnesses who are present and find out what they saw. Get their names, addresses and phone numbers for future use.

5) Try to move the injured to a safe area and allow them to lie down, keeping them warm until help arrives. Keep everyone calm.

6) Turn on all emergency flashers so that other drivers can see and avoid you.

7) Remain at the scene until the police arrive and instruct you on what to do.

8) Allow your vehicle to be towed away if you don't feel safe in trying to drive it from the scene.

9) Be fully cooperative with the police officer and tell him anything you witnessed that seems strange or unusual about the other driver or his passengers.

10) Call your insurance company and report this accident to them timely.

11) Call Mr. Martines' office immediately so that critical and timely photographs can be taken, while still available.

12) Write down the police report number that is being assigned to your case, so we can obtain it once its available.

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Last modified: 12/18/06